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Best of the Fox

It's that time of year again and we'd be so honored to win BEST CHIROPRACTOR in 2024! Each time you vote, your name gets entered to win one of our AWESOME prizes!!



$500 CASH 

AND we have a special TEEN prize in 2024: A gaming basket including an XBox S Series 


Please vote PWC Chiropractic 'best chiropractor' every day under the 'health and wellness' tab! You can text or email us VOTED or show us your vote in person at PWC. You can vote daily & every vote gets you entered to WIN!



❤, Your PWC Care Team

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It's Time for A Change

As parents, having an understanding of natural health can honestly be both exciting and scary! It’s exciting because it means that we know there are other options besides medications that are prescribed far too often for our children. But it’s also a bit scary because it truly means we have more control and say in the outcome than we once thought! 😳 

But have no fear mom and dad, our Raising Healthy Kids Naturally Event is here! 🎉

First, let’s look at our current realities. For 90% or more of us starting out, we honestly don’t even know we have more than one choice when it comes to health guidance and health care for our family. 

Heck, to even get checked out of the hospital (if you chose to have your baby there, also a choice) they require you to have a Pediatrician 👨‍⚕️ come and give your child an exam and recommendations. Right there, it ingrains in most parents that when it comes to the health of that baby, you are not in charge… the doctor is. ❌

Well, let’s look where that has...

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Are you ready to see your child thrive?

Uncategorized Feb 10, 2022

This is a must read if you feel like your kiddo is constantly sick and you don't know why. If you're ready to see your child thrive, this story is for you!

"There is a saying in life that goes “one day we’ll look back at this and smile” and that very much applies to the story I’m about to tell you.

At the tender age of 3, my oldest son, Colton, was diagnosed with “RSV” or restrictive airway disease. This diagnosis came after two long years of chronic sinus infections, coughs (which lasted months at a time) and restricted breathing, which, at it’s worst, landed us in the intensive care unit at a major hospital whose staff stood by - ready to perform an emergency throat trach as my son lie there, gasping for oxygen.

These are times that as a Mom are incredibly hard to relive. Even as I write the words of my story, the rush of fear, uncertainty and helplessness that I felt then come rushing back like taunting bullies that they are. It is one of the many reasons I will tell our story, s...

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Remember when it used to be ok to cough ... 


With 4 kiddo’s between the ages of 2 and 11, I just wait for the attention that comes in a public place when one of my kids inevitably needs to cough, sneeze or sniffle. 😳 But this is not a blog on adult anxiety. 😉


Of course, so much has changed over the past 2 and half years that a cough is now socially more intimidating...And not just from the “germ” 🦠 aspect. For parents it means kids having to stay home from school, missing a game or concert, or even having to miss work yourself. 


But while the public perception has changed, the immune system hasn’t. 


So if your kids struggle with chronic coughs, allergies 🤧, sore throats, or infections during the fall 🍁 and winter ❄️, I know this year is exceptionally hard. 


That’s why I wanted to write this blog, heavy with science and immune principles to help parents with 2 main things. 


  1. Know why kiddo’s continue to get sick, even when you’ve tried everything

  2. Help them get...
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It's almost here - Hope, Answers, & Help!

It's almost here - Hope, Answers, Help! The Perfect Storm 🌪 Live Workshop is happening this week! Even better, we get to treat you to dinner and drinks during it! 🤩


For thousands of parents over the last 12 years, this workshop has proven to be the final missing key 🔑 to getting their child’s health and healing, and finally making sense of all their child’s struggles in the first place.


This is the most “complete” presentation on autism, sensory, behavior 😡, focus, emotional, and chronic gut-immune 🤒 challenges you’ll ever see.


But most importantly, the entire focus of this workshop is finding the best drug-free 💊 action steps and solutions to getting things finally moving forward for your child!


This workshop is 💯 about you, parents. Dinner and drinks will be provided, and we’ll save plenty of time for Q & A afterwards so you go home with everything you need to get an awesome 🤩 plan of action for your child!


Save your seat here & you've got to read how chiropractic...

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They say “Dad Bods” are in 😎
If by Dad Bod they mean a “bod” with a healthy functioning nervous system that’s feeling and functioning at its best… we think they’re definitely in 😜
Sean is a dedicated dad who leads by example and lives a very healthy lifestyle💪🏼. He’s so active on a daily basis even we’re trying to keep up with his workout routine 🥵🏃
Sean started getting adjusted at PWC last year because his low back pain ⚡️ and stress 💥were becoming harder to manage. It was starting to get in the way of what he loves to do most! 👎🏼 He had been to a chiropractor before, but he said the approach at PWC was very different from what he had experienced in the past.
After starting care, Sean not only reports a big improvement in pain 🙌🏼 but also says he has less anxiety, less stress, and more energy throughout the day 🎉. A calm and healthy nervous system for him means better workouts🏋️, better moods😁, and even better time spent with family 💙
When asked if chiropr
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Are you exhausted and confused searching for answers for your child?

Hi Parents,

It's a pretty accepted general rule that parents tend to run a bit closer to empty on the old gas ⛽️  tank. Then take that whole parenting thing, and apply the Perfect Storm 🌪 layers of added stress to it where parents of children with autism, sensory challenges, anxiety, ADHD, chronic immune challenges, and special needs are flat out exhausted 😓  24/7 trying to keep up. 

There are so many doctors, specialists, and therapy appointments... mixed in with all the special diets, detoxes, and 294 supplements you're supposed to give your child each day. 🤦‍♀️ 

We get it parents - you’re exhausted. 😩 

And you're also confused 🤷‍♀️ . Where does someone even start with 783 options and recommendations from one post in one Facebook Group? 

We see it on your faces, in your posture, and on your HRV scans 💻 in the office. 

We get you. We feel you. We got you. And, we have a plan! 

Out of all the things you've researched 👩‍💻 , read 📚 , and tried... what if there was 1️⃣ thing missin...

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Dr. Tony's 9 Minute Perfect Storm Summary - Finding Ease

No family has it 'easy' right now with what's going on in the world, but families with Sensory, ADHD, Anxiety, and Special Needs challenges are living a whole new version of the "Perfect Storm 🌪" right now... and we want to help.
This video explains WHY so many kids struggle each day (especially right now) with their focus, emotions, transitions, behavior, and so much more... BUT does so in the most simple, easily-understood way you've ever heard.
Dr. Tony Ebel takes you right to the cause of these challenges, and then most importantly helps parents know what to DO to help make each day less stressed, less chaotic, less emotional, and point blank... EASIER.
If this video leaves you wanting more, we’d love to have you at our next Perfect Storm workshop to take it all in! Find that info at - see you soon!
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Raising Healthy Kids Naturally - Move it or ______ it!!!!

Ok, everyone knows how to fill in the blank, right?

Move it or LOSE it…

But lose what? I remember as a kid, my parents used to use this line when I was sitting in front of my Xbox playing hours of NCAA Football :football: dynasty mode. I always had a vision of my feet just shriveling up and falling off if I didn’t get up. :scream:

Now, that’s a quick pro-tip of how to get your kids off screens! But we all know scare tactics rarely work! :flushed::joy:

But seriously, what if you really did lose a powerful tool by not moving enough. Truth is, this is partially true. :nerd_face: Your Brain :brain: is 100% fueled through your body's movement when the body is moving smoothly and efficiently.

Remember sitting through that zoom :female-technologist::skin-tone-4: meeting, computer work, or long car :blue_car:ride? The first thing (after your leg falls asleep) that happens is that you start to feel distracted, get brain fog and you start to get physically tired out.  Tired out without doing anything. Aka, brain :brain: tired.

So how does this relate to our kids? Cause honestly you don’t ...

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Eat, Sleep, Poop 💩, Boogers, and Sneezing - The Best Blog Ever LOL!


Love video - get the full "scoop on poop" and more above! 

Love to read - we get real life, real practical, and real nerdy below! 


Hi Parents,

The subject line of this blog contains the 3 main "jobs" a healthy baby is designed to do - eat, sleep, and poop 💩! 

Honestly, sticking with the "keep it simple" theme of the previous email in this "Raising Healthy Kids, Naturally" series... if your baby does those three things well, or did during their infant stage... they're on the right path to good health. 

But as simple and cute as it sounds to rattle those off, there is quite a bit of intricate development and function that a baby needs to learn quite quickly to get up to speed on all those things all at once. 

What's really quite cool is that each of those 3 jobs is controlled by one primary system in the body, and also 'connects' to one main area and nerve. Yep, we're talking about the Central Nervous System and brain 🧠 stem area once again! And as we nerd 🤓 out just a lit...

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