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They say “Dad Bods” are in 😎
If by Dad Bod they mean a “bod” with a healthy functioning nervous system that’s feeling and functioning at its best… we think they’re definitely in 😜
Sean is a dedicated dad who leads by example and lives a very healthy lifestyle💪🏼. He’s so active on a daily basis even we’re trying to keep up with his workout routine 🥵🏃
Sean started getting adjusted at PWC last year because his low back pain ⚡️ and stress 💥were becoming harder to manage. It was starting to get in the way of what he loves to do most! 👎🏼 He had been to a chiropractor before, but he said the approach at PWC was very different from what he had experienced in the past.
After starting care, Sean not only reports a big improvement in pain 🙌🏼 but also says he has less anxiety, less stress, and more energy throughout the day 🎉. A calm and healthy nervous system for him means better workouts🏋️, better moods😁, and...
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