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It's Time for A Change

As parents, having an understanding of natural health can honestly be both exciting and scary! It’s exciting because it means that we know there are other options besides medications that are prescribed far too often for our children. But it’s also a bit scary because it truly means we have more control and say in the outcome than we once thought!  

But have no fear mom and dad, our Raising Healthy Kids Naturally Event is here! 

First, let’s look at our current realities. For 90% or more of us starting out, we honestly don’t even know we have more than one choice when it comes to health guidance and health care for our family. 

Heck, to even get checked out of the hospital (if you chose to have your baby there, also a choice) they require you to have a Pediatrician ‍ come and give your child an exam and recommendations. Right there, it ingrains in most parents that when it comes to the health of that baby, you are...

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Good Health Starts in the _______ System

Every year in January most of us take a fresh look and a fresh run at our health, but after the hot mess that was 2020... let's really rock it this year and get our health to the best it's ever been in 2021! 💥

To help you with that process, our PWC Team has committed to DOUBLING the amount of helpful educational content we share with you in all forms! We're going to be sending twice the amount of helpful emails and texts, doubling our Facebook and Instagram content, starting our YouTube channel and Podcast, and also offering 2X the amount of in-person Health Workshops at PWC on Thursday nights all year long! 

We got you, you got this! Your stress 😤 doesn't stand a chance in 2021 with us on your team! 

To kick us off, let's start with where we all need to start, diving right into the most important aspect of our health and wellness - the Central Nervous System .

The focus of this email is the quote that is the foundation of our Perfect Storm workshop,...

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