This is a must read if you feel like your kiddo is constantly sick and you don't know why. If you're ready to see your child thrive, this story is for you!
"There is a saying in life that goes “one day we’ll look back at this and smile” and that very much applies to the story I’m about to tell you.
In 2015 at the tender age of 3, my oldest son, Colton, was diagnosed with “RSV” or restrictive airway disease. This diagnosis came after two long years of chronic sinus infections, coughs (which lasted months at a time) and restricted breathing, which, at it’s worst, landed us in the intensive care unit at a major hospital whose staff stood by - ready to perform an emergency throat trach as my son lie there, gasping for oxygen.
These are times that as a Mom are incredibly hard to relive. Even as I write the words of my story, the rush of fear, uncertainty and helplessness that I felt then come rushing back like taunting...
The kids are sad and we are sad but at this time, we have removed all the toys and fruit from PWC. We hope this helps even more with going directly into rooms, getting that powerful immune boosting adjustment and then heading right out. We ask that you keep your kiddos in the room with you and head out after your adjustment too. It’s so opposite from our usual vibe at PWC but it’s important that each and every person coming in feels safe and comfortable being here. We can't wait for the days of kiddos snacking on fruit, and playing, great conversation with you, and lots of lingering to return! We know that the best thing to do right now is to make sure we’re all taking great care of each other and ourselves. Most importantly, taking care of our immune systems so that if you do come in contact with the virus, your body can quickly can fight it! Here’s a list of changes we are doing at PWC: 1. We are consistently wiping down all... |
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