Hi Parents,
It's a pretty accepted general rule that parents tend to run a bit closer to empty on the old gas tank. Then take that whole parenting thing, and apply the Perfect Storm layers of added stress to it where parents of children with autism, sensory challenges, anxiety, ADHD, chronic immune challenges, and special needs are flat out exhausted 24/7 trying to keep up.
There are so many doctors, specialists, and therapy appointments... mixed in with all the special diets, detoxes, and 294 supplements you're supposed to give your child each day.
We get it parents - you’re exhausted.
And you're also confused . Where does someone even start with 783 options and recommendations from one post in one Facebook Group?
We see it on your faces, in your posture, and on your HRV scans in the office.
We get you. We feel you. We got you. And, we have a plan!
Out of all the things you've researched , read , and...
Dear Parents (aka newly minted Teachers, Therapists, and Counselors),
We know it’s an extra stressful and difficult time for your family right now with the Covid-19 shut down. No one likes the challenges we all face right now, but families with sensory-challenged children are really feeling it.
On top of all the regular challenges faced each day by Sensory, Anxiety, and ADHD kiddos… now they’re missing that consistent structure of school, supportive therapies, regular social engagement, and just overall are on an upside-down routine each and every day.
It’s stress on top of stress.
Everyone is feeling it. Emotional and behavioral outbursts on the regular for both the kids and honestly, parents too. It’s not easy.
We’d like to at least make it easier to get the help you need. We have always offered our monthly Perfect Storm Parent Workshop live and in-person, but of course right now that’s off the table as well.
Therefore Dr. Tony and our...
After 12 years of caring for sensory and spectrum kiddos, and about 20 years of constantly reading and learning everything there is to know about them, I can tell you that they really struggle with three main elements of life that all start with the letter C.
In turn, when the right forms of care are applied, the right protocols and methods used, these “3C’s” drastically improve, thus greatly increasing the child’s quality of life. And we all know that when the child gets better with these 3 elements, life for the whole family gets better!
This article is not one meant to spell out the entire scientific mechanisms behind sensory and spectrum disorders (that’s what the Perfect Storm workshop does), but to sum that all up what we know is that these kids are very much locked into and “stuck” in a state of Sustained Sympathetic Dominance (SDS). The sympathetic system is the “gas pedal” side of the Autonomic Nervous...
Sensory issues, food aversions, swallowing and latching challenges — what’s going on? Did it all begin at birth? Quick ‘Pop Up Webinar’ with Dr. T taking you through in a nerdy, yet super practical way! If you’d like to learn more, join us at one of our upcoming workshops (www.PWCimpact.com) or give us a call at 815-455-8213.
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